Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Christian Women in leadership

How the church could do a better job preparing them for positions of power.

All around the world, there are women who are capable of great things, but they are afraid to step out and try.
Some Factor Difficulty facing women in leadership. 

1. Women don't always think of themselves as leaders. Why are they hesitant?
We see many churches adapting business principles to the church context. Whenever we take secular leadership and apply it to the church, we have an idea of leadership that is very masculine, very business-oriented, very "get things done."
2. Many people don't look at women and think to intentionally develop their leadership gifts. But women need that encouragement. Women need someone to look at them and say, "Hey, I see potential in you."
3. Lack of mentoring leadership between women who have become successful leaders and women who are still developing in church development. Without that mentoring, women have no vision for all that God can accomplish through their lives.
4. Evangelicals stand divided in their view of women leadership in the church.  Women leadership full worth to differing roles while christian egalitarians, women leadership  full worth  to access number and consensus leadership because men and women are both equal and distinct.

Insipring Sources : 

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