Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Learning Meritocracy Singapore

Singapore guiding principles of governance (Meritocracy)
1. Leadership is Key (Meritocracy in Leadership)
2. Anticipate Change and stay relevant
3. Reward for Work and Work for Relevant  (Meritocracy in Education and Works Place)
4. A stake for everyone and opportunities for All. (Meritocracy in governing)

         Lee Kuan Yew leads Singapore to Meritocracy society 

His speech:
"Singapore is a meritocracy and these men have reason to the top
by their own merits and their  hard work and high-performance if all under 300 meritocrats are on the plane and to crash in one jumbo jet then Singapore way disintegrate.
I make no apologies for collection the most talented team I could find without them
none of you would be enjoyed life today . In Singapore I say this without any compulsion on
one lesson wishing I learned from form RI as   being important in the way I subsequently govern Singapore  
I believe completely in meritocracy system. I am not interested in who your father and mother is
Or save in life, what religion or  language and how good they are in life.
how well they are perform  depend  perform and how much they give back to the society
I am a fortune product of RI  (Raffles Institution) system
 I commend for those who come after me to uphold the fine traditions of meritocracy
Not only in school life   but in what every fields endeavour, they subsequently find themselves pursuing
but in what are our future and our their subsequent trying themselves"

The best men for the job based on merit in governing nation and people
Resources for those policy makers and civil society activists, and general public interested in governance perspectives. 

1.The Rise of the Meritocracy 1870-2033 (Pelican) by Michael Young
2. Singapore Perspectives : Governance
3. The East Asian Challenge for Democracy: Political Meritocracy in Comparative Perspective
4. Public Administration Singapore-Style (Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management)

Youth Seminar 
Singapore has a good chance continuing to be a successful nation if the next generation understands the ingredients of success

1.  Stable Political situation
2.  Well educated and trained population ready to work and pay for what it wants
3.  The ability to attract high level technology industries
4.  Better standards of life in the cleaner, greener and  more gracious singapore
5. competence of our defence forces to ensure that no one believes that he just can walk in and take over what we have create and built.
Our right to govern is based on Merits and we have to show we are manifestly qualified to govern because our ability, our training, our character, our ability to delivery the goods that we exercise power for the common good. Top to share core values: with the younger generation the common features are greater because all have gone to the same school and university.

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