Friday, September 29, 2017

Sustainable Innovative Transport Solutions (European Union) and Indonesia

Book your ticket to Asian route and reserve hotel in Indonesia Now
This public forum in Jakarta today 29 September 2017 on "Sustainable Innovative Transport Solutions" has discussed and promoting the opportunities and challenges for Cooperation and Investment. As many of the panel speakers are contributed to Woman speaker. The one male as speaker from Sea Transport Industry, KADIN Indonesia is Mr Nova Mugijanto whom has presenting the The National Indonesia Connectivity Infrastructure fund need for 2015-2019 is Rp 1283 Trilliun  ($US95.5 billions) and it has been budgeted about 38%  so the gap is Rp 792 Trilliun or US $58.91 billlons)

This Deregulation of Investment Negative List (DNI) is open to opportunity for EU for providing technical expertise and higher ownership particularly in Air and Seaport service, warehouse and tolls road according to Mr. Nova

Today  forum Business Roundtable is started by Capturing and Creating Value in Transport Investment. Dr Francesca Medda Professor in Infrastructure and Transport Studies has promoting a book value to read as "Collaborative Approach to Trade"

This book applies regional analysis to the challenges facing global investment agencies seeking to enhance trade in lagging regions. It shows how spatial interaction and agent-based modelling can be used as the basis for developing new plans and policies. An in-depth analysis of trade routes is presented, which can be used to develop policies for increasing efficiency and reducing costs. Landlocked Uganda and the sea-locked South Pacific Islands serve to illustrate the problems of covering sizable distances, accelerating export flows and improving supply chain efficiency. These examples also provide an excellent illustration of the power of regional science, from assembling data bases in difficult situations to developing and applying models of the trade system

Professor Francesca has spoken on the partnership between public and private financial deals  as "Fish Paradigm" where the Divers see the crowding fishes  that cause considerable "pain" to careless public promoters.

As professor Francesca has inclined to speak towards Islamic Finance where the majority of Indonesia are (Sukuk, Islamic bonds, Takaful or Islamic Insurance). Public involved leader in Indonesia can build a matrix people to people connector through UK hub. She further elaborate JESSICA Initiative through structure of EIB (European Investment Bank) where European Commission through structural Fund Grant) can reserve a holding fund for Urban Development Fund that join with other Investor (Public and Private) and International Financing Banks can provide loans for example Integrated Plan for Sustainable Urban Development. With more understanding of Collaboration Approach 6-Cs for transport finance for example is a way to pool resources, improve efficiency and productivity  and economic of scale and delivery the best innovative infrastructure to the society.

28 Countries in EU members has the completed of Investment Plan is Euro Dollar 315 Billion for two years 2015-2017 according to today presentation.

Ms. Violeta Bulc, a female European Commissioner for Transport has embraced the perspetive of Indonesia "Bhineka Tunggal Ika"  or Diversity for Women in public and private leaders.  Ms. Violeta has presented that the double digit figure of Indonesia Logistics sector which cost the the expensive of transport expenses for indonesian working class.  While safety and security in Transportation  are the defacto for measurement performance. Indonesia has about 38K accidents in toll road compare to  25 K road fatality accident annual and the fatality transport accidents are among young generation 15-29 years old in Indonesia. EU commissioner can help to provide connecting administrative capacity maintenance and grant join to training official.  EU commissioner in transport is also consistent with Paris accord in climate change  and providing solution for environment where Earth is the only Planet that come first. 

Moreover as s the panels speaker has representing the women leadership and has discussed "The role of women in the Transport Sector" leadership of Senior Fellow from Central for Strategic and International Studies Panelists: Ms Mari Pangestu has inviting 4  women CEOs and leaders of private Indonesia companies to discuss the important "Role of Women In Indonesia." Moreover the panel has not been able to embrace the value of Indonesia women diversity perspective and "Bhineka Tunggal Ika to reach EU 28 countries world in reality to model of Indonesia perspective.  According to Nanyang University Singapore Public study, Indonesia woman as board of leader has leading of double digit 11.6 % highest mark in Asia and Asean countries. While the financial sector woman board is 14.2 %. As Indonesian Women has led a double figure in cooperate board then Indonesia Women should be able to lead and shape the EU women challenging for Diversity leading on "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" where Diversity In Women Gender would be a role model to EU Commissioner instead of Asking for Quota Equality for women gender. 

Other useful reading for study case is
A fully operational transport system with good quality physical infrastructures and effective management tools is essential for the economic growth, as trade and transport are strongly interrelated. This book examines the problem of guaranteeing a sustainable development of the intermodal freight transport in Europe, in particular by short-sea shipping and railway transport exploitation, as these transport modes are recognized as environmentally friendly and energy efficient. In detail, Motorways of the Sea services as part of the TEN-T are described: the European policy and a state of the art of the Italian MOS system are reported, focusing on the need to integrate MOS in the door-to-door transport chain. Afterwards the spotlight shifts from line to node: the role of intermodal railway terminals in the transport chain is discussed; last mile process and its planning and management models are analysed, with reference to two Italian case studies, and a new approach to these matters is introduced. The survey may proof very useful for professionals, academics and common people who want to deal with innovative strategies and procedures for a sustainable movement of goods all over EU.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Public Private Partnership on Tourism, case where Jakarta is going to display good facilities (Safety and Security) to the Asian World

For Public Private Partnership to work in Indonesia particularly in Jakarta. The local government example in Jakarta need to work together with private property management and road safety so that area of concern need to be measured and satisfied public and private. For priority is Safety and Security of Public Safety. Jakarta has been considered the worst traffic increase and no media has been ever local reporting the 2016 road and safety unlike Jakarta Global has reporting the prior year 2013 based on WHO data for article 2016. It is so ironic that  Jakarta media does not report the statistic of this. Instead the outside media report on 2016 for example UK mirror 2016 and Washington post on traffic accident in on high increasing that Entities of  city of Jakarta does not have any good reporting on this continuing data but relying on the outside World Data.  As state police and "Dishub" Field-man have been around on the fields of Jakarta Street, no action to measure the local traffic congestion. Both of the field man carry on walkie-talkie for communication device.

More over security in public area in Jakarta is increasing on mass rapid transit. The need to essential integrated Safety and Security in Jakarta from action and policy implementation mass rapid transit and ability to handle the situation at local level at high alert. .  The book of Public Safety and Security Administration address the challenging urbanization in Jakarta for anticipating Asian Games 2018. As a major influx of tourism Asia 2018. Jakarta need to be integrated in promoting Public Safety and Security through partnering with all level of entities, media, academic and property management entities to ensure Jakarta will be on hope to standardization  for Asian Games 2018.
Public Safety and Security Administration addresses public safety and security from a holistic and visionary perspective. For the first time, safety and security organizations, as well as their administration, are brought together into an integrated work.
The protection of persons and property involves many public agencies and private organizations. Entities from the criminal justice system (law enforcement, courts, corrections) as well as the fire service, private security and hazardous materials all contribute to public safety and security. This book addresses these entities, as well as safety and security issues, from a holistic and visionary perspective. It addresses criminal and non-criminal safety and security concerns, provides an overview of each entity (component) of the system of public safety and security, presents an overview of the administration process involved in planning, organizing, managing and evaluating public safety and security organizations and describes collateral functions of investigations, documentation and report writing.
Public safety and security organizations should not work in isolation. Rather, they should collaborate to protect persons and property. This book represents the first time all the public safety and security entities have been addressed in one text.
  • Focuses on the theories, concepts, practices and problems related to the present and future of public safety and security
  • Examines different strategies for problem solving which personnel working in the field may utilize
  • Synthesizes college-level lectures prepared, presented, and updated by the author over the past twenty years

Moreover Jakarta city need to build entity connection between Public and Private Partnership for example Field of Stadium and arena  that attract continues sport event for not only Asian Games on one time event  but further continuation of  4 years events of sport and tourism by joining Asia world event sport prestige in Jakarta. Unlike Asian Games 2022 Hangzou Skyscaper-city has been selected and  built 5 years prior. Jakarta is lately to think for continuing event sport for continuation lively international events.

Renovation of Stadium Mega Glora Bung Karno was contracted on public effort renovation term by public work and housing ministry, The involving private partnership that are every effective in management of Sport International Events has not been selected due to public outcry of corruption in internal Ministry of Sport.  The Largest changes will occur outside, Although, the stadium’s concrete facades will be expanded by new pylons throughout the perimeter. Five long ramps are planned with them, spiraling around the stadium to provide smooth crowd flow. Worth keeping in mind, crowd circulation has been notorious at this stadium, resulting even in deaths, as witnessed during an accident in 2011 (2 people killed).Topping the new outer ring, a ribbon of solar panels is planned, part of the building’s optimized energy policy. Underneath, within the newly created shaded promenades, enough room for retail stalls and catering facilities will be created.
All works are expected to cost over 500 billion rupiah ($37 million currently). This public built facility is part of Jakarta’s only stadium preparations to host the 2018 Asian Games.
The project won’t be carried out by the sports ministry, as was previously planned, because major construction projects for the tournament are transferred to the ministry of public works and housing. Procedural part should be carried out by March 2016 and works on site are to begin in August 2016. If there is no delay, 11 months later the stadium should be ready for international events. For international events at two Stadium in Indonesia is in completing with the present of Big event of Commonwealth Games 2018 in India. No international event has been selected to plan to happen after 11 months August 2016 in according to report of August 2017 that the renovation is under completed 82%The renovation works of GBK are being carried out by state-owned Adhi Karya on a Rpv253.8 billion contract and state-owned Waskita Karya on a Rp323 billion contract and expected to completed by December 31.  While the test event for international is not yet decided according to Erick Thorir of inasgoc
Illustration of Jakarta- Palembang Asian Games 2018
Gelora Bung Karno and Gelora Sriwijaya
 Renovation of Glora Bung Karno

Field of Schemes is a play-by-play account of how the drive for new sports stadiums and arenas drains $2 billion a year from public treasuries for the sake of private profit.While the millionaires who own sports franchises have seen the value of their assets soar under this scheme, taxpayers, urban residents, and sports fans have all come out losers, forced to pay both higher taxes and higher ticket prices for seats that, thanks to the layers of luxury seating that typify new stadiums, usually offer a worse view of the action.

The stories in Field of Schemes, from Baltimore to Cleveland and Minneapolis to Seattle and dozens of places in between, tell of the sports-team owners who use their money and their political muscle to get their way, and of the stories of spirited local groups—like Detroit’s Tiger Stadium Fan Club and Boston’s Save Fenway Park!—that have fought to save the games we love and the public dollars our cities need.
This revised and expanded edition features the first comprehensive reporting on the recent stadium battles in Washington DC, New York City, and Boston as well as updates on how cities have fared with the first wave of new stadiums built in recent years.

 In conclusion that Asian Games in Jakarta has not been performed integrated Public Private Partnership to the extend that citizen of Jakarta feel the 2018 event is a source of hope and new destination to preserve sport sites and with this little connection that  the promotion and marketing opportunity on Asian Games 2018 so the citizen Jakarta does not feel this event is belongs to them yet.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

What the books that change your life?

Why reading the books that may change your life?


Reading is a way to improve your memory and boost your mood. For children reading for fun improves  a child brain but reading for “compulsive reading is a foolish and harmful abuse of an otherwise good thing, truly a great evil, as contagious as the yellow fever in Philadelphia.”   More finding that reading special book like literary fiction enhances the ability to detect and understand other people's emotions (empathy), a crucial skill in navigating complex social relationships. Furthermore new research by the university of Yale has found that  people who regularly read books 3,5 hours more a week will live on average two years longer than non readers.
According to the Why Reading is the most important Key to Success.  According to Daily Elite, Warren Buffet sentiments are reading 500 pages like this every day. That's how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will. 

1. Bestselling novelist Steven Pressfield identifies the enemy that every one of us must face, outlines a battle plan to conquer this internal foe, then pinpoints just how to achieve the greatest success.
The War of Art emphasizes the resolve needed to recognize and overcome the obstacles of ambition and then effectively shows how to reach the highest level of creative discipline.Think of it as tough love . . . for yourself.

2. According To Business Insider, Emotional Agility by Susan David, PhD phycologists got the rating the most because mine your feeling is important priority information on your personal values that help you to create a fulfilling life.

3. The most powerful book that change the direction  of my life 

Rich Dad Poor Dad is power of mindset on Rich Dad, the poor work for their money but the rich make their money work for them. IT is a mindset that guideline on the book. 

4. According to the 15 Young Adult Books Everyday the most seller book for changing life of teens is
Inexcusable by Chris Linch

In this instant New York Times bestseller, pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth shows anyone striving to succeed—be it parents, students, educators, athletes, or business people—that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but a special blend of passion and persistence she calls “grit.”

Drawing on her own powerful story as the daughter of a scientist who frequently noted her lack of “genius,” Duckworth, now a celebrated researcher and professor, describes her early eye-opening stints in teaching, business consulting, and neuroscience, which led to the hypothesis that what really drives success is not “genius” but a unique combination of passion and long-term perseverance.

In Grit, she takes readers into the field to visit cadets struggling through their first days at West Point, teachers working in some of the toughest schools, and young finalists in the National Spelling Bee. She also mines fascinating insights from history and shows what can be gleaned from modern experiments in peak performance. Finally, she shares what she’s learned from interviewing dozens of high achievers—from JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon to New Yorker cartoon editor Bob Mankoff to Seattle Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll.

Among Grit’s most valuable insights:

*Why any effort you make ultimately counts twice toward your goal
*How grit can be learned, regardless of I.Q. or circumstances
*How lifelong interest is triggered
*How much of optimal practice is suffering and how much ecstasy
*Which is better for your child—a warm embrace or high standards
*The magic of the Hard Thing Rule

Winningly personal, insightful, and even life-changing, Grit is a book about what goes through your head when you fall down, and how that—not talent or luck—makes all the difference.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Asian Quantum Ying Yang as Indonesia Perspective to its World

Travel Blog Site

Asian Quantum Ying Yang

Two Asian Quantum Power House is in competing stage. Unlike Westerners power has used  the power of dynamite, opium and drugs to consume the underdeveloping and developing Nations to reach their multinational elites and use of power Nuclear Index to destructive World. Nuclear Power has killed Total: almost 226,000 people Wikipedia Source and now and  almost 72 years ago in Japan where Indonesia people and Indonesia Independence has gained power and authority. The only Atomic Bomb has been ever recorded the historical aggression of the West is Asian poor World after 1945. 


Now both of these Northern States in Asia, Japan and China are in competing idea to save the world. Who do you carry trust that able to lead to your poverty world? Japan has propagated 17 Goals of Sustainable Development While China has a lamp of OBOR perspective.  Indonesia is in the position to embark the perspective of Asian Quantum Ying Yang where BKPM under leadership of Thomas Limbong has coordinated for the development of 3 northern states (Sumut,Kaltara and Sulut) to light up a lamp of OBOR (One Belt One Road)   at the targeted 3 Northern provinces  in Indonesia and One Southern State (province) of Bali.

Moreover Indonesia has held its  perspective that Asian World need to be led by its destiny because the Energy Atomic Power has Destructive Effect, and 3 types of Drugs Western invention (Stimulant, Depressant, Hallucinogen) has suffered inside mentality and damage brain, and Asian Quantum Ying Yang is the compassion flowing that search inner rather than blame the outer for example  riot demonstration to solve the matter from inner body and inner mind. The source of harmonious flowing Energy by Elevated Academy Indonesia geopolitical has able to exert power from the decade proven source where North States in Asia has able to lift up his people out of poverty 600 million and share the prosperity amongst its circumstance World source from Asian Society

Asian Quantum Ying Yang is not aggregated and assaulted Energy to exploitation of underdeveloped and developing World. Papua World is under alliance powers under current Asian Quantum Ying Yang with leadership of current Maritime Ministry  with 3 Universal Values e.g : Passion, Multi Talents and Team Players as the backbone of Best Selection and Collection of Indonesia National Treasure. 

Moreover Asian Quantum Ying Yang perspective would be able to convince then collaborate  34 states (provinces) to exert source of energy from 3 states Northerners Indonesia as a source of Asian Quantum Ying Yang model from Asian OBOR state which erecting and holding specific 7 Values and its goals. These 7 Values has been reflected the Golden Era of Nusantara from Sriwijaya 7 centuries ago to 7 century later of Majapahit (2X7) 14 century ago.  Indonesia as Asian Quantum Ying Yang need to be a pivoting to the a tiny state but Super South State as Bali province  to lobbying and cycling the infinite Energy that energies of quantum flowing to Nusantara Indonesia East and West that covering about 7 kilo km which is half perimeter of Indonesia that made Indonesia Ying Yang harmonious flowing energy to the outer most of stretching archipelagos.

As the Japan Government promoting STGs  I7 that consisting of meaning of a radical kanji  " I" as pronouncing "gun3" verbally. (source of list chinese Radicals)  Gun3 is also mean  to fill up its own gold like Jews in Israel like to fill up their golden uzis with bullets. 

Indonesia is in selective mode by how to apply Global Goals to Indonesia Business: The #1 Guide to becoming Greener, Leaner, and more Profitable by applying the Sustainable Development Goals.


Indonesia leaders do not buy the perspective of "Sandwich" of two Atomic Super States to contain the other states as voiced by House Representative Japan Yasuhide Nakayama on bloomberg TV  because Indonesia leaders are  looking for 7 Goal  that contain perspective of Peace Harmony, Prosperity, Maritime, People Culture Exchange, and  Center of Colored Religion Tolerance. 

Furthermore Where the proven record China has liftted up 600 millions people out of poverty record in Asian Society.

Sustainable Universal Development  Power Where Indonesia as part of Southeast Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty supported by United State. They are both on the cycle of propagate to solve the World of Developing Country without lesson of dynamite Atomic Energy 

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Saturday, September 9, 2017

Public Private Partnership on Current Study Case Perspective by Road and Housing Inspector General Spoke Person Indonesia

Indonesia Road House Public Works Agency needs to study Public Private Partnership in more thoroughly Focus and thoroughly target Certification

Public Forum today 8 September 2017 at Mercantile  Athletic Club 18 Floor World Trade Jakarta of Speaking Accelerate Development by Agent of Public Works (Road and Housing) Indonesia under speakers of Rinaldo Ananda Anwar (Inspector General PUPR /Pekerjaaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat Agency) has been able to speak for Public Private Partnership is as a way of financing scheme and the defacto most challenging while his top priority  work description is more into integrating  all the necessary operation and inspection of  public road toll and effectiveness of Existing  Built Road and Housing but his voice challenges to more emphasis on financing Scheme through alternative way.  

Speaker Mr. Anwar has been focusing on  Public Private Partnership (PPP) as a revenue streaming financing scheme which goal to 50% of PUPR WPS Project and alternative financing scheme through Sharia Financing that is appropriate built to fit that more excel to meet the AP Index (Accelerate Development) of Public Works 
Mr. Anwar as today forum  and Director of Accenture Private Multinational Consultant Fuad Sahid Laean and Jebsen and Jessen  Sales Director outlining as summarized below:

1. Wise Strategic Index Measurement of Ditjen Bina Marga as "Mantap Road Index" as percent of 100%, This key performance does not ring the bell to professional study by University Indonesia but Mr. Anwar has not been emphasized the glossary of refer to inspection performance by International Road Federation
2. Travel Time Index of "Koridor Utama" National Road to achieve by  2.2 hours/ km
3. His public work as inspection to act on CGI (Index Daya Saing Global) and Infrastructure to achieve 82 while currently at 60. This CGI does not represent at specific work his scope but Global Competitiveness Index. His as part of integration of public inspection data  need to generate and measure necessary Performance Index that help the development and continuation of Road to all level agency government through development of languaage and Glossary PPP Index in Road and Housing Public Works for short term and long term be able to speak same language across government agencies  including Bappenas that release PPP handbook every year.

4. His speaking on the Challenge of Financing Road and Housing lies on Network, Framework of Financing and Availability of Financing. While his job as Inspection General need to encourage more on the specific case studies that has been built and done on Roads,  Bridges and low income Housing that require more Operation Excellent in Quality Inspection and Continues Maintenance of Public Asset.

As PUPR Ministry has been targeted to 35 WPS (Wilayah Pengembangan Strategies) than the financing scheme has not been a choice to be favor to but more into PPP scheme to Reduce Capital Expenditure and Long term target Operation Expenditure that trigger the Public awareness so Media, Professional Connector and Academic and Entrepreneurs able to digest and encourage to  involve in Road and House Project  through Public Private Partnership Vocational Training.
5. The forum has voice a suggestion of Privatization of Toll Sumatra that generate Revenue and Private Selected Profit instead of Share Responsibility and Share Risk and Liability.

Currently PUPR has been voiced Agency to Multinational company but  People to People Professional Certified Private Public Partnership need also to  voice out  "Kita tidak bisa hanya mengandalkan dana APBN/APBD saja, tetapi diperlukan kerjasama dengan swasta dengan skema KPBU," tutur Yusid yang hadir mewakili Menteri Basuki.
Currently PUPR has been transparent to Corruption Issue in his agency but more importantly with understanding the Public Private Partnership Scope through Education and Training. PUPR people will be able to focus and work in its cope to effective work with AP factor. 

Public-Private Partnerships: Case Studies in Infrastructure Development demystifies this innovative solution to the challenges of designing, financing, building, and operating major infrastructure projects. In today's world, partnerships between public agencies-federal, state, and local-and private companies are an increasingly popular policy tool. At a time when infrastructure in the United States and elsewhere is aging and public budgets are shrinking, public-private partnerships (PPPs) permit planners to leverage limited funds, while private firms embrace these relationships as an unfolding and potentially profitable global market. But what separates a successful partnership from one that fails to deliver on its promise?
In this book, Sidney Levy brings a balanced perspective to the history and development of the PPP movement. He outlines different approaches to defining and planning a PPP, supplemented by a history of PPP toll roads in the United States. He describes the key players in a PPP deal and provides case studies of the projects in Virginia, Illinois, Florida, Canada, and Mexico.

Transport pricing is high on the political agenda throughout the world, but as the authors illustrate, governments seeking to implement this often face challenging questions and significant barriers. The associated policy and research questions cannot always be addressed adequately from a mono-disciplinary perspective. This book shows how a multi-disciplinary approach may lead to new types of analysis and insights, contributing to a better understanding of the intricacies of transport pricing and eventually to a potentially more effective and acceptable design of such policies. The study addresses important policy and research themes such as the possible motives for introducing road transport pricing and potential conflicts between these motives, behavioural responses to transport pricing for households and firms, the modelling of transport pricing, and the acceptability of pricing. Studying road transport pricing from a multi-disciplinary perspective, this book will be of great interest to transport policymakers and advisors, transport academics and consultants and students in transport studies.