Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Western Media in Indonesia, Shouting ripple of Misinterpretation and "Salah Tafsir" the beginning of Trump Foreign Policy In South East Asia (Indonesia) part 1

Letter to Mr. President Trump 

Today USindo forum from 1:30 to 4:00 pm in merchatile World Trade Center Jakarta 31 January 2017 speaker by Dr. Vale R. Nasr spoke on relative global on behalf off your foreign policy that is so pessimistic and would predict your one term President because He has illustrated on your foreign policy as protectionist, trade war and retreat to american alliance that ripple of region ASEAN  to unsupported of international climate forum and   dysfunction to major clash of american bureaucrats.  
Some of media western has shouted Trump as a bad opportunistic, bad character and leadership and have amplified Trump foreign policy misinterpretation:

1.'Berkacalah pada diskriminasi di negeri sendiri': reaksi atas kebijakan imigrasi Trump

Christine Franciska, Wartawan BBC Indonesia oleh http://www.bbc.com/indonesia/trensosial-38793378

2.Trump's immigration order troubles Muslim-majority Indonesia, Malaysia

3. Petisi melarang bisnis Trump di indonesia oleh dewan DPR

4. Kandidat calon presiden dari Partai Republik Donald Trump kerap mengeluarkan pernyataan yang membuat panas telinga lawan politiknya. Trump membuat jengkel umat Muslim seluruh dunia atas pernyataannya yang akan melarang umat Islam masuk Amerika

5. Dr. Vali Nasr  on forum USIndo would predict one term President Trump and Dysfunction within American Foreign bureaucrat, retreat of International Forum on Global Issue and only Perceiving Trump Security as Physical Security.    

The truth is that Obama has empowered Democracy and Religious Faith of Majority of Muslim In Indonesia which is unconstitutional of "Perceiving Indonesia as Muslim Majority Country and Muslim World" Obama  and moreover Obama in 2010 has stated that American has stake holder in Indonesia growing and prosperity share among the Indonesia people but the truth is that Indonesia is not growing in GDP but stable percentage between 5 to 6% slow after SBY administration and until Indonesia economy at Obama last term in 2016. Obama is only interested to raising of middle class Indonesia which are not happened  but rhetorical only   and as a consumption of American goods which are not american made goods  and manufacturers  that are in Indonesia. Obama stated that Indonesia has a greater voice in guided economy but the voice of crippled american democratic fake perceiving about Indonesia economy direction now. Indonesia is leading in G20 global economy and Indonesia is leading in the world stage of on Anti Corruption  but Democrat Indonesia has multiple high stake of court of corruption within 2011-now. how that could be leading and example the G20 and even amongs ASEAN countries.

Obama. That is why your perceived agenda and administration needs to be fired out of Indonesia because redical  muslim (front  Defender of islamic ) FPI and others has been funded and created terror during SBY democrat Indonesia leadership and power. 

Is Indonesia is example to the World of Democracy you have empowered, Obama ?
You spoke Obama, Mosque Istiqal as independent for many people but your wife Michelle wore your perceived gown dress of non indonesia gown when they  just visit and loosy flossy tailored trouser even just t visit for short. How come it is independent for unity in diversity?

6. The sunni -shia muslim community on muslim journal has portrait Trump as such on this link 
http://wwwstjurnalmuslim.com/2016/04/donald-trump-cara-efektif-usir-muslim-dengan-ditembak-peluru-darah-babi.html  (Trump is shooting muslim with bullet of "swine blood") that is so blemish to muslim. Indonesia has "Dewan Pers" and law that protect the symbol of country representative for media that blemish that such extreme and not true.

The audience of indonesia are scare going to states and the  Dr. Vali that "Author of revival of Shia book", that so without charismatic but pessimistic american foreign view towards the coming  of on your beginning of Presidency and amplified toward the World like Indonesia predicted and degraded the unknown reality of american power"  and the character of Trump as father of The Art of Making Deal" and Hillary Clinton campaign has been deep resonating within regional states like ASEAN Indonesia. The speaker Dr. Vali has closed his mouth on duscussing  on US Info forum of good will influences American, US- ASEAN seems blurring the resonating of wild direction of American Foreign Policy. and towards China as an beast enemy in leading politics and trade.

Moreover, He (Dr.Vali is not sure the direction and impact of Shia movement towards politics in Indonesia and his quote on rising of middle class for example Indonesia given no claimant just like obama on south china sea and how the geopolitics and economy empowering ASEAN countries may play a social economic middle class in region countries (middle class worker in Indonesia and ASEAN is a by product of near state investment and america not because of moral value of shia revival and empowering). He does not elaborate on leading and direction of  american foreign policy in Indonesia and ASEAN as Obama has fake perceived Indonesia as Muslim majority country more than democratic value. Indonesia constitution has stated Indonesia amendment   is Pancasila, Bhineka Tunggal Ika instead of by product of sectarianism Islam in middle east is not a role model of Indonesia Constitution. As the governor of Jakarta election (Pilkada) has been boom with the campaign of negativity. Our ruler and state power is for all people in Pancasila not for bloody sectarianism in Middle East.

USindo is in need to revive the truth geo  political direction and inspiration agenda of American Policy in indonesia and South East Asia that USindo been invited a fake academic person to represent enthusiastic American foreign policy.

Why not also invite Academia of Christian Political and Confucius  for  forum would be more leaning towards get Pancasila and American View in embedded through  "The art of making a Deal" then just Negativity  Voice on American Foreign Direction by Dr. Vali.d

Matias Indrajana