Thursday, September 27, 2018

Strategy Memenangkan Infinity War - Bappenas

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Strategy memenangkan Infinity War

Ada 5 Kebijakan  Indonesia yang disarankan oleh badan pembina Ekonomi Indonesia dan Pembicara Forum undangan Bappenas: Proff. Emil Salim dalam Publik Ekonomi Forum: 'Avenger vs Thanos Infinity War' Forum ini diadakan dalam rangka mendukung retorika Presiden Jokowi  dalam pemahaman World Economy atau Ekonomi Dunia di Hanoi yang diadakan oleh  Kepala Bappenas ujar  Ministry PPN Bambang Brodjonegoro.  Selanjutnya dimana Indonesia mengalami deviden generasi muda yang umur usia produktif yaitu  sampai tahun 2045 menurut pakar demografi Ekonomi UI: Turro Wangkaren. Seiring, Rektor Universitas Admajaya: A Presetyantoko telah bergelut dengan pandangan dari iklim luar dari dunia Indonesia yaitu kesempatan dunia finansial, prilaku proteksionisme negara unilateral, fiskal Amerika pro cycle, kebijakan suku bunga 2.5% Bank Federal Amerika Serikat. Pandangan dan skenario situasi itu semata menceritakan keadaan ekonomi global  yang secara  nyata tak berdampak pada sasaran kepada ekonomi dan potensi lapangan kerja profesi di Indonesia dan bagaimana menangani beban pengangguran ke depan dan menambah angka middle class dan menghindari middle income trap yang diranjau oleh kebijakan Ekonomi indonesia dan daya saing lemah dan mistached dalam dunia pendidikan Indonesia.

Selanjutanya Chief Ekonomi Bank Mandiri Anton Gunawan telah mengutarakan balance payment bank mandiri dan akumulasi pada titik lemah dan vulnerable berupa Current account yang dimana import naik cepat di quater terakhir akhir ini dan Kebijakan FDI yang tidak mendapatkan pertambahan manufaktur sektor yang berdampak pada komponen  kecuali import dari kontruksi konsumsi infrastruktur pemerintah yaitu dimana impor gula pasir dan garam yang berkala  naik karena menurut Menteri Perdagangan karena pabrik gula yang sudah lama operasi produksinya. Pertanyaan presiden cabut kewenangan Menteri Susi soal Import garam dan bagaimana Indonesia bisa memberdayakan Industri dripping irigasi dan desalinasi air laut jadi air tawar ke irigasi sampai ke sawah sawah tanpa beban energi yang besar. Inilah teknologi yang Indonesia perlu terapkan dan implementasikan. Bila 70% dari persediaan air di dunia untuk agrikultur. The dripping irigasi dengan memproses 15% air yang ada di bumi  untuk irigasi maka produksi air untuk minum dan sanitasi akan  bisa double pula.  Dripping irigasi  didasari dari bahasa ibrani tikkun olam yang artinya memperbaiki dunia. Chief Ekonomi Bank Mandiri, Anton Gunawan melanjutkan pembicaraan dengan servis sektor freight dan logistik masih minimal dan travel tourist perlu perhatian untuk paket konektifitas. Strategi diplomasi bilateral trade Indonesia masih tidak agresif and kurang dalam menerapkan national  production network (Industri Automatif  Jepang yang masih melihat global japan productiin) Sementara Foreign Direct Investmen dengan capital account 612Billions USD yang bisa dikomposisikan kepada kapital nilai sumber daya manusia dan daya saing global indonesia  belum diterapkan. Sementara sekitar negatif 6 billion $USD yang terhitung dari data bank mandiri apakah telah dikapitalkan dalam bentuk penghasilan pekerja profesi atau cuma mengendap di bank saja dan solusi levy pajak yang diterapkan. Inilah ide Pakar Chief Economy bank Mandiri.

1.  Pola kebijakan "easy-in, easy out" perlu belajar dari kebijakan Korea dengan " sistim levy pajak yang selektif terhadap modal masuk.
2. Galakkan kebijakan perdagangan dengan ASEAN plus 3 (China, Korea, Jepang) bersama sama mengembangkan " Kredit Guarantee Investment Facility" terutama untuk infrastruktur.
3. Intensifikasikan (ASAR Australia - Selandia Baru, Asia, Uni Eropa dan Afrika)
4. Dorong inovasi dan modal social dalam negeri.
5. Pelihara persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa dalam tahun pemilu.

Indonesia tidak perlu berlebihan dalam memandang kontras di dunia ekonomi sementara pekerjaan dapur sendiri kita yang terberat adalah beban pengangguran dan angka daya saing dan produktifitas. Dengan pertambahan generasi milenial dan generasi A sampai tahun 2045 seharusnya memberikan sumber daya manusia yang berdampak hal hal positif namun bila pemimpin ekonomi sekarang yang tidak bisa melihat potensi sumber daya manusia ini maka middle income trap dan Indonesia hanya terpetakan oleh profiling Nasional Ekonomi Konsumsi.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Sosialisasi Redesain Universal Service Obligation Seminar Publik

Panduan Pengarahan sosial Undang Undang ITE telah dirumuskan dari sumber referensi  bisa dibaca dibawah ini rumusannya dari

UU ITE Terrorisme (termasuk ujaran kebencian, fitnah, posting SARA yang menyebabkan kerusuhan seperti Kasus Meliana yang menyebabkan  terjadi kebakaran vihara, radikal ormas yang ingin merusak persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa serta memfitnah nama baik seseorang atas tindakan yang tidak fakta dan fitnahan. Anggota kehormatan  Komisi 1 DPR Charles honoris yang adalah anggota legislator yang telah menjembatani peran DPR dengan para pebisnis terutama pelaku bisnis turis dan media  di acara pembukaan

Lebih lagi, DPR Charles  telah ikut serta dalam upaya mencegah penyusupan terorisme terhadap persatuan dan kesatuan dengan mengadakan sosialisasi kepada warga jakarta atas sosialisasi sangsi hukum terhadap setiap warga atas penyebaran berita hoax SARA dan fitnah di aturan UU ITE  seperti  tindakan kebencian sosial  dan berita hoax bohong di luar fakta atas partai dan asosiasi demi menemukan jalan yang jujur dan benar dan panut hukum. Peperangan melawan berita hoax (tidak jujur dan fakta dan kebencian)  terhadap  DPR Charles Honoris juga telah disosialisasikan hari ini di Novotel, Chandranaya Jakarta 15 September 2018

Terutama berita hoax dan fitnah  atas SARA, warga juga  bisa dengan mudah tidak ikut serta dalam  viral, like dan comment yang dimana mesin sosial media bekerja secara echo chamber (ruang bergemah)  himbau Indriyanto Banyu Murti.  Untuk kalangan milenial .  Wakil Ketua Digital Kreasi  ini  telah membuka  situs infografis di  dan UU ITE  yang telah diterapkan dan warga dapat  melaporkan seperti yang telah dicontohkan oleh Charles Honoris.

Komisi 1 DPR telah berencana memperkuat pengamatan terorisme lewat jejaring internet dan  berencana menambah anggaran untuk memperkuat kesatuan and persatuan bangsa Indonesia.  

Sebagai warga negara Indonesia, kita harus membangun persatuan dan kesatuan dengan tidak terlibat dalam viral dan membagikan informasi yang hoax (fitnah dan tidak benar). Peristiwa Tanjung Balai terhadap ibu Meliana telah berdampak pada  kerusuhan pembakaran tempat ibadah yang dilakukan kepada generasi muda dan telah ditebarkan oleh pecundang yang bermukim di Jakarta,  seperti dilaporkan kejadiannya kebakaran vihara oleh CNN. Lebih lagi berita hoax yang bersumber dari film dan viral media sosial terhadap horingya yang telah memicu kebencian terhadap golongan tertentu telah menyebabkan rakyat gampang terpancing issues yang tidak tau sebenarnya. Maka Sosialisasi ini memberi kesadaran bagi kita untuk membaca sepenuhnya atas meme sosial media sehingga tak mudah terpancing kepada kebencian dan kerusuhan sesaat kepada sarana publik. 

Komisi DPR 1, Charles yang telah dua kali melihat dan mengamati Suriah menghimbau supaya warga Indonesia dengan hasutan terorisme dan provokasi memporak porandakan   falsafah bangsa  telah berakibat seperti di Suriah. Untuk itu komisi 1 siap memerangi terorisme dengan alat kolaborasi tingkat Badan Inteligen Negara, Kepolisian dan TNI.  Lebih lagi komunitas Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa  pada resolusi 2129 tahun 2013 dan telah yam bersepakat mendeklarasikan   ancaman teroris perdamaian dan keamanan dunia karena aksi terorisme . Juga dalam Resolusi PBB 2354 tahun 2017 dimana sedang dibentuk pedoman untuk mencegah anti narasi terorisme. Apa peran Indonesia dalam ikut serta menciptakan bimbingan pedoman atas kejadian teroris yang telah terjadi di Indonesia yang rawan atas kesatuan dan persatuan bangsa. Dan Apa peran DPR dalam menjangkau masyarakat dan perusahaan goofle indonesia dan facebook dalam memberantas narasi terorisme and ormas perusak persatuan bangsa? 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

What is the first sign of End Times in Bible - Apa tanda pertama Akhir zaman?

What is the first sign of End Times in Bible - Apa tanda pertama Akhir zaman? 

Banyak tanda tanda akhir zaman yang dipikirkan oleh pemuka agama? Ada yang mengatakan bencana, kiamat atau kematian seluruh manusia. Di zaman sekarang ini banyak yang mengatakan fake new, berita bohong atau tipuan, atau bahkan mengatakan makin banyak orang orang di prosekusi oleh hukum agama. Apakah anda tahu apa tanda pertama dari Akhir Zaman menurut Roh Tuhan Sendiri di Alkitab?

Lalu apakah anda sudah tau, sudah berapa banyak Alkitab ditranslasikan ke dalam bahasa dunia. Menurut SIL International, ada 2508 alkitab sudah ditranslasikan sementara ada sekitar 6909 bahasa yang berbeda menurut Ethnologue catalog bahasa dunia. Lalu bagaimana agama yang mengautentikasikan satu bahasa sebagai tanduk. Apakah seluruh manusia bisa untuk diberitakan bila harus dalam satu bahasa yang asli. Apakah agama itu bisa tersebar ke seluruh dunia? Menurut Alkitab di tulisan

Matius 24:14 TB

Dan Injil Kerajaan ini akan diberitakan di seluruh dunia menjadi kesaksian bagi semua bangsa, sesudah itu barulah tiba kesudahannya yaitu "Akhir Zaman"

Inilah tanda pertama awal akhir zaman ketika alkitab telah ditulis dalam seluruh bahasa manusia. Apakah kita sudah melihat tanda tanda pertama awal dari akhir zaman? 

 Tur ke Yordania dan Israel

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Seni Perang (Sun Tzu) adalah antologi kata kata yang menembus dan menata strategi peperangan melawan kesenjangan sosial dalam menata falsafah bangsa

Travel Blog Site

Seni Perang adalah kisah Asli pembelajaran militer sejak musim Semi dan Gugur perioda 771 sampai 476 sebelum Masehi. Pembelajaran ini dituangkan dalam kanca asli militer Tiongkok yang di gurui oleh seorang Sunzi. Ada 13 Bab. Setiapnya ada aspek sosial kesenjangan dan bagaimana cara menanganinya . Hampir 1500 tahun telah disusun oleh tulisan kumpulan kata kata indah berupa puisi yang disebut Tujuh Klasikal Militer oleh Kerajaaan Shenzong dari Dinasti Song di masa 1080. Akhir akhir ini kumpulan kata kata indah ini adalah strategis yang sangat berpengaruh.

Moctar Riadi dalam seminar "Builds the Cities" memperkuat kepada generasi Y and milenial bahwa peperangan kesenjangan sosial yang terjadi di Indonesia dan peperangan kesenjangan karena sosial dan upaya menata falsafah bangsa ke depan seperti yang diutarakan oleh gubernur Anies Baswedan dimana jumlah manusia yang pendapatan sebulan dibawah Rp 500.000 ada sekitar 384 ribu jiwa dan hampir 1 juta warga jakarta tidak memiliki tempat tinggal atau rumah susun. Bagaimana ini bisa diperangi dan diselesaikan. Apakah dengan menakut-nakutkan lawan politik bisa menyelesaikan masalah kesenjangan sosial? Apakah minoritas Indonesia seperti  negari Wu yang lebih kecil bisa mengalahkan negeri dan tentara yang lebih besar? Mari baca dan klik referensi seni peperangan dengan siasat seni peperangan berikut dibawah ini. 

Banker Moctar Riadi dalam seminar "Builds the Cities" telah memakai siasat seni peperangan ini ada 5 unsur yang terpenting dalam memerangi masalah atau  peperangan. Satu yang utama adalah Tao yaitu Moral dalam menjalankan krisis peperangan. 

Banker Moctar Riandi juga mengutarakan dalam seminar diatas sebuah unsur yang lain adalah bisa menerima dari manusia yang mengakui kegagalannya dan tau apa akar kegagalannya itu. Banker Moctar memberi contoh menantunya Sri Tahir yang meskipun telah gagal lebih dari tiga kali namun Moctar tetap menerima dan merangkulnya. Moctar berprinsip Sun Tzu yaitu  Meskipun telah gagal namun yang gagal telah memahami akar kekagagalannya dan mau maju memperbaikinya. Inilah Unsur Sun Tzu yang lain. Bagaimana dengan gubernur Anies yang mau memerangi kesenjangan pendapatan warga jakarta dan memerangi sumur yang melanggar perda yang telah digali dan disepanjang gedung gedung tinggi area sudirman dan Thamrin dan berencana memperbaiki ruang tanah trotoar tanah dengan tata ruang pipa, kabel dan aliran selang dibawah tanah itu yang bisa transparen dilihat pejalan kaki dan menjadikan trotoar sepanjang jalan itu sebagai tempat multifungsi yaitu tempat edukasi tata ruang bawah tanah. Bagaimana gubernur Anies bisa berkolaborasi dengan warga dan instansi institusional dan penguasaha profesi Jakarta.  

Pesan buku The Art of War by Sun Tzu Sun-Tzu: The Art of Warfare: The First English Translation Incorporating the Recently Discovered Yin-ch'ueh-shan Texts

Dream as Million Stars at Night for Parent who Love Travel Tips
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Friday, August 10, 2018

Sandiago Uno adalah Generasi Baru X dan Generasi Y, nya adalah Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono adalah sosok pemimpin baru.

Oposisi dari pemerintah Jokowi telah hadir dengan pilihan dan deklarasi pada pemimpin generasi dengan wajah dan rupa baru di ajang kontestasi Pemilu 2019-2014

Indonesia sedang mengalami revolusi mental dan pergantian wajah dan rupa visi pandangan yang baru di pemerintahan baru 

Menurut Grace Natalie dari Ketua Partai Solidaritas Indonesia  telah mengungkapkan pandangan atas pasangan calon pendukung Jokowi. dan "Apapun pilihan Pak Jokowi kami siap mendukung" kutipan dari CNN dan berlanjut bahwa urusan dengan anak muda tidak terlalu problem karena Presiden Jokowi telah membentuk channel konten kepada anak Muda.  Namun apakah konten yang dibentuk Jokowi telah menjangkau generasi Millenial, generasi X and Y yang notabenenya ingin ikut serta dan mendengar aspirasi rakyat dan memimpin anak muda.

Demography generasi Indonesia  32 %, adalah generasi Millenial dan berikutnya generasi X dan generasi Y ada sekitar 55% dan sisanya 13% generasi pre baby boomer dan generasi baby boomer yaitu lahir dari tahun tahun sebelum 1946 dan 1946-1964. Calon Wakil President Maruf Amin lahir di tahun 1943 yaitu generasi pre babby boomer.

Prabowo - Sandiaga Uno dalam press deklarasinya telah memberikan kesempatan kepada pemimpin generasi X  Sandiago Uno atau generasi Baby Bust Y yang penggerak partai demokrat Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono untuk mendengar aspirasi warga Indonesia.  Dua revolusi mental dan wajah dan rupa pandangan Y generasi  berbicara dengan ungkapan aspirasi " Merdeka, Visi kepada pemerintahan yang kuat di kemandirian bangsa, membangun ekonomi dan membuka lapangan kerja terutama lapangan kerja profesi, memastikan harga terjangkau dan pangan dan percepatan pembangunan dengan pemerintahan yang bersih" 

Klik disamping ini membaca Tale of  Accelerated Culture Generation X 
Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Indonesia books with cover title of "New World" Order

Travel Blog Site

There are  more than 6 books about Indonesia New World Order has been published and sold in international market. You can read and buy right now  by clicking for these 6 books   on this article post. The other book  is Indonesia with  "New World " Order that is not well response to young generation of Jokowi fans and supporters

A book is judged by its cover (Soft and Hard) 
both alike the same as on the above picture

When CSIS has providing  a public forum as part of Jokowi public  think thank and this event is 

  launching a new book title Indonesia in the New World. This is not the first time a book about Indonesia is written with New "World" Order. Unfortunately. Three of the new book chief Editor " Arianto A Patunru, Mari Pangestu, M Chatib Basri has overlooked the book and decided the cover as the above book launching to public and to the world of Australia National University (ANU)

The launching of the particular book is part of the series of  public forum Hadi Soesastro Policy Forum at  CSIS Pakarti Building. The forum is attended with full seats and majority is heard by  public policies students of  University Indonesia  that  listening and learning  the comprehensive of Economy Downside of Jokowi Policy Making. 

For example :
1. The policy of "Feeding the Bangsa" and Food Sovereignty and state control on food leading to ambivalent policy
2. Development Resource of Nationalism that are driven controlled by the state
3. Contrast Perception of global economy between young generation better educated , satisfied with economic state for Jokowi and elites that has more access  to information less positive (according to 
Senior Fellow at Centre for Strategic and International Studies  Mari Pangestu) 
4. The rise of anti globalisation and distribution of poverty  and inequality in Indonesia has not address reduction and equality (according to Professor of University Pajajaran A Yusuf)
5. International trade has not been conductive to increased female labor participation rate as in 1990 but the increased more on commodity.
6. Large companies in Indonesia only maintain status quo  but Small and Medium Companies are getting hurt and creation of Small and Medium New Enterprise has  disturbing  effect to the large companies and status quo  that optimistic towards more open economy (according to Manggi Habir,  Advisor at The Indonesian Banking Restructuring Agency from 2000 to 2001)

The striking statement  on the cover of the book voice by  Prof. Mari Elka Pangestu CSIS  has received outstanding response and without analysis impact of commercial market. According to  the audiences and this blog writer that  the cover of the book must be subject of copyright and would receive negative image of  truth Civil Leadership of Jokowi Indonesia Era.   The comprehensive contents of the  book does not strike and catch the eyes of   ordinary audiences particularly by observing   on the cover book that portrait Military Might and Messy of Jokowi personal shirt  

When international buyer and enthusiastic  participants  for seeking Indonesian policy making, they  can not  comprehend the contents and commentaries by Kompas that the  book is long and  boring  and comprehensive of economy analysis particularly distribution of poverty that is taken from random big data. It does not address the particular area of need to develop for economy as the result of inequality of poverty development.  More  Jokowi Alone in  New World Order but in aligned with reality that he worked with Staff President on Nationalism, Globalization and Sovereignty Economy Policy but  portrait of him alone standing and look cynical face on military Imam Bonjol vessel. It does not represent daily works of Jokowi leadership.  The cover for the book is representative of military navy vessel and power but Jokowi alone  nor based his influence from military leadership.

 President Jokowi is not the aggressive figure hardcore that  counter balance on  South China Sea claimant area of the sea.    nor does Jokowi is the right leader figure of bluffing and negotiate China Navy Might in South China Sea as the result of full claimant  China of South China Sea.  The latest comment is that  the cover does not display the area water of south China Sea (Natuna Island) nor does the cover display photo of  the water market line within South China Sea.   Ordinary and international students of prospect political reader and buyer  can not relate and see  the biggest picture  of the book only by observing the book cover.  

 Jokowi was a mayor of Solo Town in Indonesia. Jokowi is a leader  that is  brave enough  to fire early aggregate leader of General Military Gatot that prematurely exposed himself  on political exposure while  he is  on the seat of throne Indonesia army TNI (Tentara National Indonesia). 
A  negative response of portrait of Jokowi in the cover book illustrating  "white shirt  hang out the pant"  and book cover of Jokowi is a bad personal attack to publicity on how  a leader of Indonesia dress up and was displayed by CSIS neutral academic institution and send negative image toward larger mass crowded of "GantiPresident" propaganda where the media anti- Jokowi rhetorical and cynical in Indonesia. Posture of  messy Jokowi white shirt is not instrument to critic to his economy policy.  for example the book critic on the substance content of  economy ambivalent  policy and economy advisors seem targeting  implementing toward the state control economy policy.  This policy making has  impacting nothing to change but not developing  of macro economy by largest companies in Indonesia for new world particularly hurting  new job creation and according to Anton J. Supit Chairman of Apindo that unemployment in Indonesia tracking is  as the result of semi-job downsize and not able the policy in making  new manufacturing for new job creation  in the stage of Indonesia in  New World.

An in-depth study of the militant Islamic Laskar Jihad movement and its links to international Muslim networks and ideological debates. This analysis is grounded in extensive research and interviews with Salafi leaders and activists who supported jihad throughout the Moluccas.

From the Indonesian Republic’s onset, there has been some form of military participation in political life – the more significant and interesting aspect of the Indonesian Army’s distinctive history. Volume 2 in this three-volume set covers the assassination of army leaders on October 1, 1965, the massacre and imprisonment of hundreds of thousands of suspected communists, elimination of the Indonesian Communist Party, the ouster of President Sukarno, General Soeharto's rise to power, consolidation of the New Order military regime, the suppression of all forms of free expression and dissent, the brutal invasion and occupation of tiny East Timor, separatist insurgencies on the periphery of the archipelago, General Benny Moerdani's reign as the country's second most powerful man, Soeharto's turn toward Islam and his increasingly desperate efforts to preserve power at all costs during the late-1990s – setting the stage for the nationwide reformasi movement, the May 1998 riots and Soeharto's abdication – the subject of Volume 3. Written in a journalistic style, these three volumes provide readers insights into Indonesian culture and help them understand why soldiers of the Indonesian Army have behaved the 
way they do – often in ways, from a western perspective, that must be considered less-than-honorable.
The Lontar Anthology of Indonesian Short Stories is the first definitive anthology in English of Indonesian short stories from the twentieth century. These two volumes, featuring a selection of 109 of the most popular and influential works of short fiction, span the entire century, from pre-Independence Indonesia to the year 2000, and include many new translations. The editors drew from a wide cross section of Indonesian short story writers with respect to ethnicity, gender, class, and ideology. Volume 2 presents 61 stories dating from the founding of the New Order government that followed a national bloodbath in 1965 to just after its end in 1998 and the dawn of the second millennia. Along with the rise of “newspaper-length short stories” and a dwindling focus on realism, this period was marked by numerous changes in style and form, especially in the last decade of the century when authors, concerned with the militaristic nature of the central government, began to adopt a much more direct approach
This book looks at fatwa in Indonesia during the period following the fall of President Suharto. It is an in-depth exploration of three fatwa-making agencies-Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Lajnah Bahth al-Masail Nahdlatul Ulama, and Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah-all of which are highly influential in shaping religious thought and the lives of Muslims in Indonesia. Rather than look at all the fatwa that have emerged in the period, Pradana Boy ZTF focuses on those that have strong repercussions for intra-community relations and the development of Indonesian Muslims more generally, including fatwa pertaining to sectarianism, pluralism, secularism and liberalism.

Krishna Sen describes the background and present-day Indonesian film industry and explores how the country's society and history are represented in its film culture. From a critique of four films, she concludes that Indonesian cinema privileges the military against the civilian, the middle class against the popular classes, and men against women. Backed by careful documentation from cinema literature, this is a radical, in-depth perspective on film - its implications, its vulnerability to manipulation and its artistic and propagandist value. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Homeland Security United State, Subcommitee counter terrorism has early warning of weak prisoner system in Indonesia since 2016 but Indonesia has failed to take necessary steps that resulted in 10 killed prisoner police enforcement in prisoner Kelapa Dua Depok May 2018

Travel Blog Site

Although hearing and assessment of Terrorism in South East Asia and the terrorism treat to the law enforcement and civilian of Indonesia has been discussed in Home land Security Council United State,  Subcommitte on Counterterrorism and Intelligence since April 2016 by the three speakers below more deadly and suicide Terrorist happen in 3 location Church of Surabaya. How does the church that never been involved in counter terrorism, more terrorist has hatred towards churches in Surabaya. 
Image result for ignore terroristImage result for ignorance

One of speaker Dr. Joseph Chinyong Liow  has warned the weak prison system in
Depok Indonesia where radicalization that occurs within prisons since 2016.
Indonesia should bear in mind, though, that not all of these soon-to-be-released 
militants are ISIS supporters or sympathizers. 
In fact, the vast majority are members of militant groups known to be anti-ISIS. 
There will be about 100 or so released from Indonesia at the end of the year. 
Yet the detainees of post terrorist had killed 10 Indonesia  prisoner police on 
9 May 2018.This early warning 2016 does ignore by security measure of 
Indonesia to take pre caution  action particularly Prisoner Police in Depok
until it had happen. 

Indonesia law enforcement need to take a serious matter or collaborate with regional for 
detainee terrorist but instead of releasing them to public.

1. Patrick M. Skinner has speaking on hearing quoted 
"Countering this threat now and for the long-term is a challenge 
with which the region will need substantial assistance from the United 
States and other countries. There are long-standing ties and liaison 
that have proven extremely effective and beneficial in addressing the 
threats of the past but that will need to be reassessed and likely 
increased to match the new reality. Militarily, the Philippines will 
continue to need help combatting Abu Sayaf and other extremist groups 
such as the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. Legally and politically, 
countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia are trying to balance civil 
rights with the increased need to detain people with extremist ties and 
intentions. Malaysia has arrested over 100 people on suspicion of ties 
to the Islamic State, and has enacted the Prevention of Terrorism Act 
(POTA) which increased the length of pre-trial detentions. Indonesia is 
considering similar legislation as well. It will be, as it is in every 
country, a delicate balance between liberty and security, with 
excessive legal persecution likely to lead to more of the behavior it 
was intended to prevent. Lastly, each country will need to increase its 
respective efforts at countering violent extremism both ideologically 
and socially. Singapore has been in the forefront of this, though its 
model will be difficult to scale for its much larger neighbors. 
Increased assistance from the United States in all 3 facets of the 
fight against the Islamic State in Southeast Asia is needed to help 
avoid much greater threats"

2. Supna Zaidi Peery,  attorney and a strategic policy analyst at the 
Counter Extremist Project Strategic. has speaking on hearing quoted :

"ISIS has targeted neighboring Malaysia as well. ISIS met 
multiple militant groups last fall in the Philippines to plan 
attacks to be committed in Malaysia. ISIS also has a presence 
in Indonesia where pro-ISIS militants attacked a Starbucks cafe 
in Jakarta killing 4 on January 14 of this year.
Bahrun Naim is considered the brains behind the operation, 
and he is connected to ISIS propagandist Abu Jandal in Syria, 
and pro-ISIS ideologue Aman Abdulrahman. Abdulrahman has 
translated pro-ISIS propaganda from Arabic to Bahasa Indonesian 
on-line to help recruit jihadists.
It should be important to note that ISIS propaganda 
includes multiple languages along multiple platforms to ensure 
that his message is, indeed, global.
Thus, the activities of ISIS and local militant groups in 
Southeast Asia confirm that extremism is on the rise in the 
region. But, yet, it should still be pointed out, as my fellow 
witnesses have mentioned, the numbers of actual extremists are 
low. But if the United Kingdom is to serve as an example, more 
aggressive policies to challenge extremist rhetoric are 
critical to prevent extremism from spreading to the same level 
as in other parts of the globe in Southeast Asia in the future.
Consequently, we at CEP recommend that regional governments 
create policies to work with the private sector to take down 
extremist propaganda. Second, local governments should replace 
the extremist rhetoric with moderate voices.
Two examples out of many from the region include, Nahdlatul 
Ulama, which is an Indonesian clerical body that supports the 
indigenous and peaceful interpretation of Islam called 
Nusantara Islam. The Ulama represents approximately 40 to 50 
million members already. The Ulama has already denounced 
extremist rhetoric by ISIS using the hash tag, we are not 
afraid, as a social media campaign.
A second moderate voice is the Wahid Institute, founded by 
Yenny Wahid, the daughter of former Indonesian president, 
Abdurrahman Wahid. She is quoted as saying, we are not just 
coming out with a counternarrative. We are coming up with a 
counter-identity, and that is what all of this is about. We 
believe we are good Muslims, but to be good Muslims, we don't 
have to accept the recipes that are handed out by some radicals 
from the Middle East.Raising such pluralist voices will not only challenge ISIS 
extremism but also marginalize separatist rhetoric espoused by 
groups like Hizb ut-Tahrir and individuals like Zakir Naik.

To conclude, Southeast Asia has an opportunity now to 
respond properly to the growing extremist threat by addressing 
important identity issues and providing alternatives to the 
extremist messages turned out daily by ISIS and other Islamist 
groups; otherwise, the threat to the region, other countries, 
including the United States will only grow.

3. Joseph Chinyong Liow is Associate Professor and Head of Research at 
the Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore, 
has speaking on hearing quoted :

Against this backdrop, recent ISIS-inspired attacks in 
Jakarta and the southern Philippines serve as a timely reminder 
of the threat that terrorism continues to pose to Southeast 
Asian societies.
Related to ISIS, the threat takes 3 forms. First, the 
danger of attacks perpetrated by local groups or individuals 
inspired by ISIS. These groups or individuals might not have 
direct links to ISIS central. Rather, they possess local 
grievances for which the extraction that is ISIS provides 
impetus and inspiration, usually via internet. Jakarta was an 
example of this.
Second, the threat pulls by returnees from Syria and Iraq. 
In particular, the possibility that hardened militants would 
return with battlefield experience and operational knowledge to 
either plan or mount attacks back in the region. Thankfully, 
this has not yet happened.
Thus far, the returnees in custody are deportees, who 
failed in their attempt to get to Syria and Iraq in the first 
Third, the threat posed by militants who will soon be 
released from prison. At issue here is the weak prison system, 
particularly in Indonesia and the radicalization that occurs 
within prisons. We should bear in mind, though, that not all of 
these soon-to-be-released militants are ISIS supporters or 
sympathizers. In fact, the vast majority are members of 
militant groups known to be anti-ISIS. There will be about 100 
or so released from Indonesia at the end of the year.
So how serious is the threat posed by ISIS? The threat is 
certainly real and warrants our attention for reasons I already 
mentioned. By the same time, we must take care not to 
exaggerate it. Let me make 3 points in that regard.
No. 1, when we speak of ISIS in Southeast Asia, we have to 
be mindful of the fact that at present, there is no such thing 
as an ISIS Southeast Asia, nor has ISIS central formally 
declared an interest in any Southeast Asian country. For the 
most part, we are dealing with radical groups and individuals 
who have on their own taken oaths of allegiance to ISIS.
No. 2, the number of Southeast Asians fighting in Iraq and 
Syria remains comparatively small. We are talking of, at most, 
700 mostly from Indonesia. By way of comparison, thousands are 
coming from Europe. In addition to this, a large proportion of 
Southeast Asians' death, I would say around 40 percent, 
comprise women and children under the age of 15.
No. 3, in our anxiety over ISIS, we must be careful not to 
miss the forest for the trees. There are multiple militant 
groups operating in Southeast Asia. Many are at odds with each 
other. Not all seek affiliation to or are enamored of ISIS.
In fact, I would argue that the greater long-term threat 
comes from a rejuvenated Jemaah Islamiyah, which has a larger 
network and is better funded than the pro-ISIS groups in the 
region currently.
What about terrorism in Southeast Asia more generally? 
Here, too, it is imperative that we keep things in perspective. 
Yes, for Southeast Asia today, the question of terrorist 
attacks is, unfortunately, no longer a matter of if but when. 
Even if the influence of ISIS diminishes over time, and it 
will, terrorism is part of the lay of the land and will not be 
eradicated any time soon. But terrorism, whether perpetrated by 
ISIS or Jemaah Islamiyah is not an existential threat to 
Southeast Asian societies.
All indicators are that from an operational perspective, 
the threat remains at a low level. Of course, given the 
resilience and evolutionary nature of terrorism, this situation 
might well change. As I alluded to earlier, one possible factor 
that could prompt a change is a deliberate shift of attention 
on ISIS central to Southeast Asia.
This, however, seems unlikely for now, as ISIS is 
preoccupied with its immediate priority of holding ground in 
Iraq and Syria and expanding its fight in Libya, Yemen, and 
A final observation, without being complacent, we should 
also recognize that regional governments are, today, better 
equipped and prepared to deal with the threat compared to a 
decade-and-a-half ago, although capacity can and should be 
further improved with cooperation among themselves and with 
help from the United States

Some of recorded of Terrorism Ormas (Organization use Islam name ) in Indonesia

Tawhid wal Jihad group
   1. Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid
   2. Mujahedin East Indonesia
   3. Mujahedin West Indonesia (MIB)
   4. The Bima group
   5. NII Banten also known as Ring Banten
   6. Laskar Jundullah
   7. The Islamic Sharia Activists Forum or Forum Aktivis Syariat Islam (FAKSI) 
   8. The Student Movement for Islamic Sharia or Gerakan 
   9. Mahasiswa Untuk Syariat Islam (Gema Salam).

Defense Ministry of Germany, Madam female Ursula Von der Leyen. The principle to fight transnational terrorism is the power of law must prevail over the law of power.

Five thoughts to fight multilateral terrorism

1. It is truth in saying  it takes a network to fight a network
we must intensely coordinate national instruments of law enforcement, diplomacy, development policy and the military. then We must apply a tailored and target mix of measures. Internationally we need to cooperate even closer in our respect regional organization and alliances. Terrorism that use hybrid mean requires a hybrid response and a hybrid defense.

2. We have to win a battle of attention
ISIL propaganda is visual and professional. 90% of its propaganda is distributed through visual content. It appeals to emotional level by using imagery and music which skillfully replicates the aesthetics of popular video games. We have to be smart to our response. We need to develop our own narrative and communicate the openness of our societies , our respect for other cultural religious and national tradition in powerful and modern way. At the same time we need to address expose and disproved false arguments of terrorists organizations and be convincing particularly to young people

3. Strengthen fragile country for example Indonesia that are vulnerable to suicide terrorism  and help them to build resilience. This means that we need to enable and empower them to assume responsibility for their own security. The fight against terror need a local faith. We need to make a tangible contribution to this with for a number of projects for example in Jordan and Tunisia for example EU-G5 Shael Partnership.

4. Terrorists need money and communication. This is why we have to disrupt terrorist channel of communication and financing. We formed strategic communication and counter financing. We need to take a concerted action to combat black market operations. The cashing in of hostage taking and art theft even more effectively
5. The return of fighters harbours enormous risks, Those individual are combats proved, redicalized, orphaned traumatize and brutal   and they are mobile. In Germany they take measures to prevent departures of join ISIL and to prosecute foreign fighter and to invest in prevention and deradicalization

For Indonesia terrorist bomb Surabaya  not only the fighter of ISIS, but also the reject or non departed to the ISIS land when they called to pledge to jihad as source by ccn Indonesia  Jamaah Islamiyah recently More Sofyan Tsauri called when Doctrinated that is so best is when a mother to her children as Mother is first Madrasah to her child. When the mother and children are doing jihad suicide, the heart of evil that is stronghold send and replicate the moral of terrorist that "Wahai" male hijrah, when the women and children has offered their sacrifice soul and body to  suicide like Surabaya suicide bomber and their belongings in the name of Olloh , Why not you, male-ness" quoted from Sofyan Tsauri ex Indonesia Police and Terrorist Aceh

Monday, June 4, 2018

Aftermath of Surabaya Terrorist Suicide Boomer to play role on 8 children and 3 Women ISIS Terrorist, Indonesia Ministry of Defense has addressed the national and regional security threats in Shangri-La Dialogue Singapore

Indonesia government through speaker of Ministry of Defense Indonesia, Ryamizard Ryacudu   in Asia Security Summit Shangri-La Dialogue Singapore June 2, 2018. He called for threats of Regional Security that kill personal citizen of regional country  - factual treats of the third generation of post Al Qaeda Radicalism and Terrorism, Separatism and Insurgency, Nature Disaster, Environment and Calamity , Natural Resources Poaching, Epidemic Disease, Trafficking of elicit drug, Intelligent and Cyber-war. Indonesia government is addressing Terrorists after the suicide boomer that has involved full family of 3 children. Indonesia  Densus 88 is currently seeking one member of  family of this effect of Surabaya Terrorist Suicide.  This family of full terrorist suicide was following the teaching of evil religion for example When the mother can bring her children to commit mass suicide. A mother of Indonesia has a heart to nature her children from any harm more than  a mother 
that inflicted her children to dead. Indonesia is currently fighting this ISIS terrorists and mindset of suicide boom that bring false promises within this evil religion.  Indonesia through defense military operation will handle 1 % physical  threat of Terrorist particularly within 2 months land force operation (between Indonesia, Malaysia and  Philippine) More 99%  ISIS threats as Indonesia government promoting citizen to  act of directing and capitalizing the  strategy of constructive and systematic  the mindset through counter narrative, called "Bela Negara" and strengthen national Pancasila ideology and open consultation on bilateral and multi-lateral approaches. Indonesia government currently would plan to new strategic intelligent sharing as called "our eyes initiative" that late 25th January 2018 has been conducting an initiative forum  in Bali. Indonesia defense Ministry would budget  the system of  early detection of terrorist that probably would include the personal safety of citizen and tourist in Indonesia.  and Ministry defense Indonesia is commited to  crush the perverted of teaching of false Islam at large. Ministry defense Indonesia, Mr Ryacudu refer to the book of the Future of Power by Author John Nye to learn more soft power narratives as detail below

In The Future of Power, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., a longtime analyst of power and a hands-on practitioner in government, delivers a new power narrative that considers the shifts, innovations, bold technologies, and new relationships that will define the twenty-first century. He shows how power resources are adapting to the digital age and how smart power strategies must include more than a country's military strength.

Today, China, Brazil, India, and others are increasing their share of world power resources. Information once reserved for the government is now available for mass consumption. The Internet has literally put power at the fingertips of non-state agents, allowing them to launch cyberattacks on governments from their homes and creating a security threat that is felt worldwide. The cyberage is rendering traditional markers of power obsolete and has created a new power frontier among states, ripe with opportunity for developing countries. To remain at the pinnacle of world power, the United States must adopt a strategy that designed for a global information age.
If you are interested to further see. you can download this narrative of John idea here quote:  "its not just who’s army wins, its also who’s story wins, And the ability to develop a narrative that attracts others with soft power may be as important as the ability to use hard power. and click  here to buy the book of Future of Power

If you would like to learn more on Indonesia National harmony thoughts and Inter-National  Pancasila harmony of inter-nations though. Please do support and contribute by click to buy Pancasila Harmonity of CafePress instead of  Terrorism Threat of third generation ISIS and Separatism Khalifah Islamic in Provinces in Indonesia

 The book of
The View of Man in Pancasila: An Attempt at a New Understanding Pancasila  and Democratic life
Pancasila is the name of the five guiding principles of the State of the Republic of Indonesia. It is the basic philosophy that has become the mainstay of the Indonesian democratic life. As the philosophical foundation of the Indonesian State, Pancasila expresses the conception of Indonesian political life, and it has to inspire all political policies. And the most important thing is that Pancasila as philosophy has to help the Indonesian people to understand their world and realities of their lives. As a matter of fact, the primary end of Pancasila as philosophy is not for the good state-which is apart from its people-but it is, in essence, for the good of human being.