Wednesday, August 9, 2017

What are the points of Admiral Harry Harris to Jakarta? Bilateral Security Order by Fighting Global Terrorism and South China Sea Issues, Is China is ally for U.S - China in finding lost sailor in South China Sea?

What is the points of Admiral Harry Harris to arrive in Jakarta? Bilateral Security Order by Fighting Global Terrorism and South China Sea Issues, Is China a new ally for U.S - China in finding lost sailor in South China Sea? Fighting Global Terrorism and South China Sea Issues has resonated loaudly spoken by Theo Sambuaga, Co Chair USindo while North Korea missile that point everywhere It seem to confuse Indonesia public intelectuality.  
Buy the above book to find Asian Perspective on Global and Regional Order, Contributor is included by Rizal Sukma (Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta).

A book study of  U.S. senator and Pulitzer Prizewinner, both experts on Southeast Asia, offer a bold new approach to address radical Islam and fight global terrorThe next front in the war on terror is in Southeast Asia, warn Senator Christopher Bond (R-MO) and Lewis Simons, both leading experts on the region. The U.S. has bankrupted its policies in dealing with the Islamic world. As Fundamentalist Islam gains traction in Southeast Asia, backed by Saudi money, the U.S. must act swiftly to re-establish its credibility there and help defuse global terrorism. Bond and Simons present a bold plan to accomplish this key goal by substituting smart power (civilians in sneakers and sandals) for force (soldiers in combat boots) in Indonesia and the other nations of Southeast Asia, home to the world's greatest concentration of Muslims.
As of First Trip to Indonesia Jakarta as Commander of PACOM speaker of Admiral  Harry Harris, Commander, spoke on The United States-Indonesia Bilateral Security Partnership, through U.S. Indonesia Society & American Chamber of Commerce - Financial Hall. Admiral Harry has slightly persuaded strategic partnership that based on common value between U.S and Indonesia: Freedom, Rule of Law which is Indonesia need to improve, Human Right and Religious Diversity.  

 First Visitation to Jakarta by Commander of Chief PACOM

A.  The discourse paragraph of Terrorism and Regional Order. 

Direction of Commander of Pacom that  through multinational collaboration, can we eradicate ISIS and other violent extremist organizations before they spread.This is partnership with a purpose particularly.

Multinational efforts are underway to meet this challenge. Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines are deepening cooperation to fight regional piracy and related kidnapping for ransom in the Sulu Sea. 

1.Indonesia is no stranger to terrorist acts. With the attacks on Bali in 2002, Jakarta last year, and more recently the cold blooded killing of Ramadan revelers in Kampung Melayu, you have felt firsthand the impact of violent extremists.

2. the region has witnessed ISIS-inspired terrorism in Malaysia, Bangladesh, and the Philippines. Sadly, we’re seeing some of this come to fruition right now in the Southern Philippines in Mindanao, where in 2016, Isnilon Hapilon, a commander in the Abu Sayyaf Group, a Philippine-based terrorist organization, was named ISIS emir of Southeast Asia. In just a matter of months, Hapilon started uniting elements of several violent extremist organizations–building a coalition under the black flag of ISIS.

3. These terrorists are using combat tactics that we’ve seen in the Middle East to murder in the city of Marawi in Mindanao – the first time ISIS-inspired forces have banded together to fight on this kind of scale in this region.
It’s clear that foreign fighters are passing their ideology, resources and methods to local, home-grown, next-generation radicals. So Marawi should be a wake-up call and a rallying cry for every nation in the Indo-Asia-Pacific. It’s critical that Indonesia and the U.S. continue our efforts to destroy ISIS sooner rather than later.

B. The discourse paragraph of South China Sea 

Direction of Admiral Harry that  Indonesia should and must protecting natural assets, Indonesia is rightfully focused on the economic and environmental impacts of illegal fishing in your Exclusive Economic Zone off your coasts. As one of the top producers of seafood in the world, you have a vested interest in protecting and maintaining this valuable natural resource for generations to come. This issue can't be solved by just one or two countries - but requires a regional dialogue and regional solution. This is yet another reason why the United States is committed to working with Indonesia and other regional partners in multilateral forums. This is why ASEAN is so important and Indonesia’s voice and leadership in ASEAN are so important.

By that, I think we can praise Chinese efforts to include its help in working with the U.S. Navy this past week to try to find a missing American Sailor lost in the South China Sea…. even as we rightly hold them accountable for not doing enough to influence their North Korean allies. I think we can and should do both. This preposition it is not clear to US -Indonesia collaboration to pursue peace in Korean Peninsula.

I greatly more agree with collaboration of such spoken below that in regards to collaboration of  protecting natural assets, Indonesia is rightfully focused on the economic and environmental impacts of illegal fishing in your Exclusive Economic Zone off your coasts. As one of the top producers of seafood in the world, you have a vested interest in protecting and maintaining this valuable natural resource for generations to come. This issue can't be solved by just one or two countries - but requires a regional dialogue and regional solution. This is yet another reason why the United States is committed to working with Indonesia and other regional partners in multilateral forums. This is why ASEAN is so important and Indonesia’s voice and leadership in ASEAN are so important.

I think we can praise Chinese efforts to include its help in working with the U.S. Navy this past week to try to find a missing American Sailor lost in the South China Sea

Buy Poster 160704-N-NF288-341 SOUTH CHINA SEA Sailors participate in a Freedom 5K run on the flight deck


C. The discourse of Bilateral Indonesia - US Security  that propagate the  contribution of  the denuclerization zone of South East Asia (ASEAN) and has been said repeatly  said that the north asia  peace stability must be key player on China but Admiral has emphasized that  key outcome to peaceful Korean Peninsula  not only  China itself all the key outcome.  

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