Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Married an unemployed Man, Disaster and Way out of Secret of currency Love

Wanna married an unemployed Man?
Mungkinkah wanita karir menikahi lelaki yang tidak dalam sebuah profesi kerja?
Dua model rekomendasi buku  dan film diatas adalah tanda ini sebuah pilihan salah seorang wanita

Singles say ‘No Thanks’ to unemployed engagements. 
“So…What do you do?”

More over if you are a religious person, fundamental bible like perspective suggest towards No - no.

Men and Unemployment as in A Biblical View

Is an unemployed husband and father really "worse than an unbeliever," as Paul seems to infer in I Timothy 5:8? I'm having a hard time understanding this. I was laid off my job eight months ago, and since that time my family has been getting by on my wife's income. Even when I was working I could never have supplied all of our needs on my own. Meanwhile, Christian broadcasters and preachers keep telling me that God wants men to provide for their own families. This is a real sore spot with me. Do you think the Lord rejects me because of my inability to meet up to His expectations?

For Matias it was a situation to come true to ask for a career professional woman to love him and "would you marry me", Yes Victoria finally said  while he is unemployed, at the lowest profile of men hood life, being Single, but "pengacara" which is no income but lot to do, and sixteen months out from luck for getting a job, five hundred resume has been flied out. She has decided to accept 'married unemployed Man'  to celebrate of at the best moment of everyone marry couple life. 
Married unemployed Man

While the unemployment rate has hovered more 20% in Indonesia then Young people are being hit hardest; the International Labour Organization estimated the youth jobless rate was more than 20 percent in 2013, and economists believe it is higher now in 2016 source

Eighty two percent of jobs cuts over the last four years were in industries like engineering, low observed public safety engineering in Jakarta, oil and gas and manufacturing, and largely affected one gender: men.
But for ambitious singles like Krisnadi, where career can measure at the top of his priorities, and marry would be his goal within two years the “what you do” question can become synonymous with “who you are, who are you when hopping from one job to the other” And when and what privileged  do you  to convince career woman to marry him”  can spell out an equally bleak love life.

For career woman Liliani or Wee  over forty the dream choice seems to be "bule that are at fifty or sixty and unemployed man would not be a problem as long as they are same faith and "Love God and family".

ForbesWoman recently teamed up with relationship site YourTango to take a snapshot of where women stand on career, love-life, and the intersection of the two. Not surprisingly, unemployment was a hot-button topic. A telling 75% of survey respondents told us that they would never marry a partner who was unemployed.
Are women being selfish, held back by antiquated notions that their husbands should be capable of supporting them “as long as we both shall live” or simply prudent, anticipating the rising cost of living and cost of raising a family? But more importantly, will there be any long-term effects of “steady paycheck or the highway” mandates when it comes to lifelong commitment?
“It goes back to the classic notion of no money, no honey,” says Bradford Wilcox, director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia. “When men are not gainfully employed, couples are often unwilling to move forward to that next step.”
“This viewpoint stems in part from the conventional (albeit old-fashioned) notion that many women expect to be supported — at least in part — by their husbands,” says Hilary Black, author of The Secret Currency of Love. “[But] that expectation is shifting, as many households today require two incomes to keep afloat. As for whether it’s selfish for women to not want to marry an unemployed man – well, selfish isn’t the word. I think it’s more of a pragmatic point of view, especially if the plan is to have children. But again, I believe in the concept of a two-way street.”
So "what to do"...................... Pause.... Next Article

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